This page provides postcode data for the N00001665 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). N00001665 contains approximately 159 households with a population of about 387 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BT38 8QN | 54.724329 | -5.829718 | 153494 | 543326 | NW534433 | Yes |
BT38 8QR | 54.725284 | -5.828875 | 153554 | 543430 | NW535434 | Yes |
BT38 8QW | 54.724527 | -5.82873 | 153558 | 543345 | NW535433 | Yes |
BT38 8YN | 54.726101 | -5.82731 | 153659 | 543515 | NW536435 | Yes |
BT38 8YY | 54.725418 | -5.830312 | 153462 | 543450 | NW534434 | Yes |
BT38 8YZ | 54.726138 | -5.829901 | 153493 | 543528 | NW534435 | Yes |
BT38 8ZF | 54.726105 | -5.830073 | 153482 | 543525 | NW534435 | No |