This page provides postcode data for the N00001663 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). N00001663 contains approximately 134 households with a population of about 330 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BT38 8LH | 54.724814 | -5.826184 | 153724 | 543368 | NW537433 | Yes |
BT38 8NU | 54.7267 | -5.829653 | 153512 | 543590 | NW535435 | Yes |
BT38 8QP | 54.725578 | -5.826205 | 153727 | 543453 | NW537434 | Yes |
BT38 8UH | 54.72722 | -5.825589 | 153777 | 543633 | NW537436 | Yes |
BT38 8UJ | 54.727601 | -5.824762 | 153832 | 543673 | NW538436 | Yes |
BT38 8UL | 54.726831 | -5.824461 | 153847 | 543586 | NW538435 | Yes |