This page provides postcode data for the N00001015 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). N00001015 contains approximately 161 households with a population of about 446 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BT9 5AD | 54.579192 | -5.934426 | 145849 | 527562 | NW458275 | Yes |
BT9 5AS | 54.579973 | -5.93383 | 145893 | 527647 | NW458276 | Yes |
BT9 5AU | 54.579657 | -5.933243 | 145929 | 527610 | NW459276 | Yes |
BT9 5AW | 54.579311 | -5.933461 | 145912 | 527572 | NW459275 | Yes |
BT9 5BB | 54.579899 | -5.931591 | 146037 | 527630 | NW460276 | Yes |
BT9 5BL | 54.579716 | -5.934585 | 145842 | 527621 | NW458276 | No |