This page provides postcode data for the N00000568 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). N00000568 contains approximately 122 households with a population of about 340 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BT42 1AQ | 54.86208 | -6.328354 | 122352 | 560509 | NW223605 | Yes |
BT42 1DA | 54.861238 | -6.323997 | 122625 | 560398 | NW226603 | Yes |
BT42 1DS | 54.862165 | -6.320844 | 122834 | 560488 | NW228604 | Yes |
BT42 1FL | 54.861318 | -6.325878 | 122505 | 560414 | NW225604 | Yes |
BT42 1JT | 54.861235 | -6.32311 | 122682 | 560394 | NW226603 | Yes |