This page provides postcode data for the E00167368 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00167368 contains approximately 90 households with a population of about 227 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CB1 4UG | 52.185495 | 0.141507 | 546500 | 256300 | TL464563 | No |
CB1 4UH | 52.185495 | 0.141507 | 546500 | 256300 | TL464563 | No |
CB1 4UP | 52.184596 | 0.141464 | 546500 | 256200 | TL464561 | No |
CB1 7TS | 52.185668 | 0.141355 | 546489 | 256319 | TL464563 | Yes |
CB1 7UP | 52.185092 | 0.141912 | 546529 | 256256 | TL465562 | Yes |
CB1 7US | 52.18462 | 0.142167 | 546548 | 256204 | TL465562 | Yes |