This page provides postcode data for the E00162129 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00162129 contains approximately 125 households with a population of about 243 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BN13 3LF | 50.83897 | -0.417047 | 511556 | 105576 | TQ115055 | Yes |
BN13 3LG | 50.838857 | -0.419366 | 511393 | 105560 | TQ113055 | Yes |
BN13 3LH | 50.83869 | -0.416275 | 511611 | 105546 | TQ116055 | Yes |
BN13 3LL | 50.839977 | -0.419669 | 511369 | 105684 | TQ113056 | Yes |
BN13 3LS | 50.840496 | -0.419495 | 511380 | 105742 | TQ113057 | Yes |
BN13 3LY | 50.839349 | -0.419803 | 511361 | 105614 | TQ113056 | Yes |
BN13 3NR | 50.838949 | -0.416167 | 511618 | 105575 | TQ116055 | Yes |