This page provides postcode data for the E00157903 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00157903 contains approximately 131 households with a population of about 275 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GU21 2AA | 51.318128 | -0.612964 | 496758 | 158582 | SU967585 | Yes |
GU21 2AB | 51.317132 | -0.612406 | 496799 | 158472 | SU967584 | Yes |
GU21 2AD | 51.317201 | -0.613017 | 496756 | 158479 | SU967584 | Yes |
GU21 2AT | 51.31823 | -0.613205 | 496741 | 158593 | SU967585 | Yes |
GU21 2AU | 51.317547 | -0.613254 | 496739 | 158517 | SU967585 | Yes |
GU21 2DA | 51.318998 | -0.615076 | 496609 | 158676 | SU966586 | Yes |
GU21 2EE | 51.317706 | -0.614609 | 496644 | 158533 | SU966585 | Yes |
GU21 2EG | 51.318688 | -0.614698 | 496636 | 158642 | SU966586 | Yes |
GU21 2EL | 51.316928 | -0.61412 | 496680 | 158447 | SU966584 | Yes |
GU21 2ER | 51.318854 | -0.614994 | 496615 | 158660 | SU966586 | Yes |
GU21 2XE | 51.317362 | -0.614322 | 496665 | 158495 | SU966584 | No |
GU21 2XL | 51.317289 | -0.614252 | 496670 | 158487 | SU966584 | No |
GU21 2XN | 51.317362 | -0.614322 | 496665 | 158495 | SU966584 | No |
GU21 2XW | 51.317362 | -0.614322 | 496665 | 158495 | SU966584 | No |
GU21 2YE | 51.317353 | -0.614337 | 496664 | 158494 | SU966584 | No |
GU21 2YL | 51.317362 | -0.614322 | 496665 | 158495 | SU966584 | No |
GU21 2YQ | 51.317362 | -0.614322 | 496665 | 158495 | SU966584 | No |
GU21 2YS | 51.317362 | -0.614322 | 496665 | 158495 | SU966584 | No |