This page provides postcode data for the E00157899 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00157899 contains approximately 134 households with a population of about 353 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GU21 2HU | 51.320756 | -0.61465 | 496635 | 158872 | SU966588 | Yes |
GU21 2HX | 51.321222 | -0.6139 | 496686 | 158925 | SU966589 | Yes |
GU21 2JH | 51.321691 | -0.610891 | 496895 | 158981 | SU968589 | Yes |
GU21 2JJ | 51.322149 | -0.609255 | 497008 | 159034 | SU970590 | Yes |
GU21 2JQ | 51.321287 | -0.610932 | 496893 | 158936 | SU968589 | Yes |
GU21 2LR | 51.320239 | -0.615828 | 496554 | 158813 | SU965588 | Yes |
GU21 2LS | 51.320853 | -0.60918 | 497016 | 158890 | SU970588 | Yes |