This page provides postcode data for the E00157104 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00157104 contains approximately 110 households with a population of about 255 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GU18 5SE | 51.351351 | -0.648031 | 494246 | 162231 | SU942622 | Yes |
GU20 6AS | 51.363032 | -0.647246 | 494277 | 163531 | SU942635 | Yes |
GU20 6AT | 51.361107 | -0.644142 | 494497 | 163321 | SU944633 | Yes |
GU20 6AZ | 51.360902 | -0.642669 | 494600 | 163300 | SU945633 | No |
GU20 6HT | 51.372088 | -0.640356 | 494738 | 164547 | SU947645 | Yes |
GU20 6HX | 51.373283 | -0.63874 | 494848 | 164682 | SU948646 | Yes |
GU20 6HY | 51.368841 | -0.644144 | 494481 | 164181 | SU944641 | Yes |
GU20 6HZ | 51.371529 | -0.63863 | 494859 | 164487 | SU948644 | Yes |
GU20 6LP | 51.374396 | -0.651734 | 493941 | 164789 | SU939647 | Yes |
GU20 6LR | 51.375811 | -0.649685 | 494081 | 164949 | SU940649 | Yes |
GU20 6LS | 51.375197 | -0.647936 | 494204 | 164883 | SU942648 | Yes |
GU20 6LT | 51.380031 | -0.648336 | 494166 | 165420 | SU941654 | Yes |
GU20 6LU | 51.372801 | -0.6475 | 494239 | 164617 | SU942646 | Yes |
GU20 6NB | 51.381444 | -0.650813 | 493991 | 165574 | SU939655 | Yes |
SL5 9QN | 51.38295 | -0.643396 | 494504 | 165751 | SU945657 | Yes |
SL5 9QW | 51.382515 | -0.647031 | 494252 | 165698 | SU942656 | Yes |
SL5 9SA | 51.384927 | -0.647175 | 494237 | 165966 | SU942659 | Yes |
SL5 9SD | 51.385132 | -0.649396 | 494082 | 165986 | SU940659 | Yes |