This page provides postcode data for the E00151473 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00151473 contains approximately 152 households with a population of about 308 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
ST17 4ET | 52.783826 | -2.111156 | 392600 | 320700 | SJ925207 | No |
ST17 9EP | 52.783663 | -2.111645 | 392567 | 320682 | SJ925206 | Yes |
ST17 9ER | 52.782324 | -2.111552 | 392573 | 320533 | SJ925205 | Yes |
ST17 9EX | 52.781894 | -2.110439 | 392648 | 320485 | SJ926204 | Yes |
ST17 9EY | 52.782577 | -2.110634 | 392635 | 320561 | SJ926205 | Yes |
ST17 9FG | 52.781774 | -2.111058 | 392606 | 320472 | SJ926204 | Yes |
ST17 9FH | 52.782091 | -2.11044 | 392648 | 320507 | SJ926205 | No |
ST17 9HX | 52.781524 | -2.111877 | 392551 | 320444 | SJ925204 | Yes |