This page provides postcode data for the E00147600 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00147600 contains approximately 107 households with a population of about 208 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SY2 6DH | 52.697997 | -2.73178 | 350644 | 311398 | SJ506113 | No |
SY2 6DJ | 52.697437 | -2.73217 | 350617 | 311336 | SJ506113 | Yes |
SY2 6DR | 52.696459 | -2.731932 | 350632 | 311227 | SJ506112 | Yes |
SY2 6DS | 52.696212 | -2.731984 | 350628 | 311200 | SJ506111 | Yes |
SY2 6ES | 52.696886 | -2.732649 | 350584 | 311275 | SJ505112 | Yes |
SY2 6TD | 52.69739 | -2.733945 | 350497 | 311332 | SJ504113 | Yes |
SY2 6TE | 52.697906 | -2.734291 | 350474 | 311390 | SJ504113 | Yes |
SY2 6WS | 52.696956 | -2.731467 | 350664 | 311282 | SJ506112 | No |