This page provides postcode data for the E00146064 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00146064 contains approximately 120 households with a population of about 240 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
OX10 0PA | 51.601712 | -1.138887 | 459737 | 189559 | SU597895 | Yes |
OX10 0PB | 51.600882 | -1.13974 | 459679 | 189466 | SU596894 | Yes |
OX10 0PD | 51.602067 | -1.139486 | 459695 | 189598 | SU596895 | Yes |
OX10 0PL | 51.600338 | -1.140299 | 459641 | 189405 | SU596894 | Yes |
OX10 9DE | 51.600092 | -1.137401 | 459842 | 189380 | SU598893 | Yes |
OX10 9DG | 51.598698 | -1.138568 | 459763 | 189224 | SU597892 | Yes |
OX10 9DH | 51.598742 | -1.137254 | 459854 | 189230 | SU598892 | No |
OX10 9EZ | 51.599682 | -1.13879 | 459746 | 189333 | SU597893 | Yes |
OX10 9FE | 51.598767 | -1.139419 | 459704 | 189231 | SU597892 | Yes |
OX10 9RA | 51.600365 | -1.139042 | 459728 | 189409 | SU597894 | No |
OX10 9RB | 51.598622 | -1.140519 | 459628 | 189214 | SU596892 | Yes |
OX10 9RF | 51.599679 | -1.13881 | 459745 | 189333 | SU597893 | Yes |
OX10 9RH | 51.599758 | -1.137278 | 459851 | 189343 | SU598893 | No |