This page provides postcode data for the E00141770 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00141770 contains approximately 131 households with a population of about 224 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
YO14 9ER | 54.216109 | -0.291015 | 511538 | 481390 | TA115813 | Yes |
YO14 9FB | 54.215367 | -0.288133 | 511728 | 481312 | TA117813 | Yes |
YO14 9HQ | 54.216071 | -0.293424 | 511381 | 481382 | TA113813 | Yes |
YO14 9UZ | 54.217388 | -0.300793 | 510897 | 481517 | TA108815 | Yes |
YO14 9WD | 54.21738 | -0.30084 | 510894 | 481516 | TA108815 | No |
YO14 9WZ | 54.21738 | -0.30084 | 510894 | 481516 | TA108815 | No |
YO14 9YF | 54.21738 | -0.30084 | 510894 | 481516 | TA108815 | No |