This page provides postcode data for the E00139266 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00139266 contains approximately 110 households with a population of about 246 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
NE65 7EB | 55.313281 | -1.955762 | 402906 | 602134 | NU029021 | Yes |
NE65 7EF | 55.313463 | -1.954261 | 403001 | 602154 | NU030021 | Yes |
NE65 7EQ | 55.321254 | -1.957041 | 402824 | 603021 | NU028030 | Yes |
NE65 7HT | 55.312101 | -1.949005 | 403335 | 602003 | NU033020 | Yes |
NE65 7HU | 55.313324 | -1.949177 | 403324 | 602139 | NU033021 | Yes |
NE65 7HX | 55.31381 | -1.951177 | 403197 | 602193 | NU031021 | Yes |
NE65 7HY | 55.314366 | -1.95031 | 403252 | 602255 | NU032022 | Yes |
NE65 7HZ | 55.314825 | -1.950514 | 403239 | 602306 | NU032023 | Yes |
NE65 7JA | 55.314905 | -1.949679 | 403292 | 602315 | NU032023 | Yes |
NE65 7JB | 55.314602 | -1.949202 | 403322 | 602281 | NU033022 | Yes |
NE65 7JD | 55.315014 | -1.951727 | 403162 | 602327 | NU031023 | Yes |
NE65 7JX | 55.312884 | -1.951068 | 403204 | 602090 | NU032020 | Yes |
NE65 7LR | 55.314452 | -1.957363 | 402804 | 602264 | NU028022 | Yes |
NE65 7LS | 55.314711 | -1.958124 | 402756 | 602293 | NU027022 | Yes |
NE65 7NA | 55.314386 | -1.955619 | 402915 | 602257 | NU029022 | Yes |
NE65 7NB | 55.313948 | -1.954071 | 403013 | 602208 | NU030022 | Yes |
NE65 7ND | 55.314063 | -1.955651 | 402913 | 602221 | NU029022 | Yes |
NE65 7NE | 55.311851 | -1.952077 | 403140 | 601975 | NU031019 | Yes |
NE65 7NF | 55.309343 | -1.943175 | 403705 | 601696 | NU037016 | Yes |
NE65 7NP | 55.314019 | -1.958424 | 402737 | 602216 | NU027022 | Yes |
NE65 7WA | 55.319012 | -1.951045 | 403205 | 602772 | NU032027 | No |
NE65 7XA | 55.319012 | -1.951045 | 403205 | 602772 | NU032027 | No |