This page provides postcode data for the E00134207 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00134207 contains approximately 79 households with a population of about 169 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LN7 6AE | 53.466018 | -0.373809 | 508052 | 397817 | TF080978 | Yes |
LN7 6AF | 53.468556 | -0.375369 | 507942 | 398097 | TF079980 | Yes |
LN7 6AG | 53.467048 | -0.370229 | 508287 | 397937 | TF082979 | Yes |
LN7 6AH | 53.461921 | -0.355908 | 509251 | 397389 | TF092973 | Yes |
LN7 6AQ | 53.469335 | -0.348266 | 509739 | 398225 | TF097982 | Yes |
LN7 6HN | 53.468368 | -0.394378 | 506681 | 398047 | TF066980 | Yes |