This page provides postcode data for the E00125628 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00125628 contains approximately 131 households with a population of about 336 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
TN10 4HG | 51.209971 | 0.303658 | 561008 | 148162 | TQ610481 | Yes |
TN10 4HQ | 51.210129 | 0.304339 | 561055 | 148181 | TQ610481 | Yes |
TN10 4HS | 51.212203 | 0.301793 | 560870 | 148406 | TQ608484 | Yes |
TN10 4HT | 51.21094 | 0.30289 | 560951 | 148268 | TQ609482 | Yes |
TN10 4HU | 51.211536 | 0.303664 | 561003 | 148336 | TQ610483 | Yes |
TN10 4JU | 51.209174 | 0.302573 | 560935 | 148071 | TQ609480 | Yes |