This page provides postcode data for the E00125562 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00125562 contains approximately 124 households with a population of about 331 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
ME20 6BY | 51.301037 | 0.45079 | 570946 | 158620 | TQ709586 | Yes |
ME20 6DD | 51.301468 | 0.452937 | 571094 | 158673 | TQ710586 | Yes |
ME20 6DG | 51.302855 | 0.449438 | 570845 | 158819 | TQ708588 | Yes |
ME20 6DQ | 51.301246 | 0.455364 | 571264 | 158654 | TQ712586 | Yes |
ME20 6NT | 51.302555 | 0.449551 | 570854 | 158786 | TQ708587 | Yes |
ME20 6SZ | 51.302059 | 0.451361 | 570982 | 158735 | TQ709587 | Yes |
ME20 7WT | 51.303803 | 0.454798 | 571215 | 158937 | TQ712589 | Yes |