This page provides postcode data for the E00124257 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00124257 contains approximately 137 households with a population of about 273 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BR8 7AP | 51.400187 | 0.16857 | 550948 | 169026 | TQ509690 | Yes |
BR8 7AS | 51.400418 | 0.16825 | 550925 | 169051 | TQ509690 | Yes |
BR8 7SS | 51.402771 | 0.169368 | 550995 | 169315 | TQ509693 | Yes |
BR8 7ST | 51.402262 | 0.168208 | 550916 | 169256 | TQ509692 | Yes |
BR8 7UR | 51.401352 | 0.167359 | 550860 | 169153 | TQ508691 | Yes |
BR8 7US | 51.401884 | 0.168719 | 550953 | 169215 | TQ509692 | Yes |
BR8 7XT | 51.40092 | 0.167857 | 550896 | 169106 | TQ508691 | Yes |