This page provides postcode data for the E00115404 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00115404 contains approximately 121 households with a population of about 277 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO5 2BJ | 50.990374 | -1.36522 | 444649 | 121411 | SU446214 | No |
SO5 2BL | 50.991478 | -1.366601 | 444551 | 121533 | SU445215 | No |
SO5 2BN | 50.991665 | -1.364618 | 444690 | 121555 | SU446215 | No |
SO5 2BP | 50.991859 | -1.365513 | 444627 | 121576 | SU446215 | No |
SO53 2BJ | 50.990612 | -1.365733 | 444613 | 121437 | SU446214 | Yes |
SO53 2BL | 50.991575 | -1.365877 | 444602 | 121544 | SU446215 | Yes |
SO53 2BN | 50.991567 | -1.364495 | 444699 | 121544 | SU446215 | Yes |
SO53 2BP | 50.99176 | -1.365472 | 444630 | 121565 | SU446215 | Yes |