This page provides postcode data for the E00115006 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00115006 contains approximately 150 households with a population of about 285 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GU31 4EH | 51.002332 | -0.930776 | 475121 | 123093 | SU751230 | Yes |
GU31 4FE | 51.002019 | -0.933918 | 474901 | 123055 | SU749230 | Yes |
GU31 4JG | 51.001333 | -0.93164 | 475062 | 122981 | SU750229 | Yes |
GU31 4JH | 51.001748 | -0.934492 | 474861 | 123024 | SU748230 | Yes |
GU31 4JJ | 51.001882 | -0.935315 | 474803 | 123038 | SU748230 | Yes |
GU31 4JP | 51.001895 | -0.934121 | 474887 | 123041 | SU748230 | Yes |
GU31 4JZ | 51.000232 | -0.932902 | 474975 | 122857 | SU749228 | Yes |
GU31 4LA | 51.000212 | -0.931634 | 475064 | 122856 | SU750228 | Yes |
GU31 4LB | 50.998507 | -0.929424 | 475222 | 122669 | SU752226 | Yes |
GU31 4LD | 50.997293 | -0.92844 | 475293 | 122535 | SU752225 | Yes |
GU31 4LE | 50.996074 | -0.926972 | 475398 | 122401 | SU753224 | No |
GU31 4LF | 51.000494 | -0.93334 | 474944 | 122886 | SU749228 | Yes |