This page provides postcode data for the E00114273 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00114273 contains approximately 119 households with a population of about 291 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
RG26 5JG | 51.352876 | -1.172767 | 457703 | 161858 | SU577618 | Yes |
RG26 5JJ | 51.35454 | -1.172737 | 457703 | 162043 | SU577620 | Yes |
RG26 5JN | 51.358839 | -1.183216 | 456968 | 162513 | SU569625 | Yes |
RG26 5JP | 51.357113 | -1.178105 | 457326 | 162325 | SU573623 | Yes |
RG26 5JQ | 51.352378 | -1.170996 | 457827 | 161804 | SU578618 | Yes |
RG26 5JR | 51.353841 | -1.18342 | 456960 | 161957 | SU569619 | Yes |
RG26 5JS | 51.35333 | -1.178484 | 457304 | 161904 | SU573619 | Yes |
RG26 5JW | 51.357868 | -1.183142 | 456974 | 162405 | SU569624 | Yes |
RG26 5LH | 51.352722 | -1.169984 | 457897 | 161843 | SU578618 | Yes |
RG26 5LJ | 51.353247 | -1.170506 | 457860 | 161901 | SU578619 | Yes |
RG26 5PJ | 51.354517 | -1.169507 | 457928 | 162043 | SU579620 | Yes |