This page provides postcode data for the E00113941 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00113941 contains approximately 127 households with a population of about 308 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GL5 1PE | 51.746723 | -2.199853 | 386299 | 205355 | SO862053 | Yes |
GL5 1PH | 51.748489 | -2.197399 | 386469 | 205551 | SO864055 | Yes |
GL5 1PQ | 51.747181 | -2.199812 | 386302 | 205406 | SO863054 | Yes |
GL5 1RE | 51.749923 | -2.205213 | 385930 | 205712 | SO859057 | Yes |
GL5 1RF | 51.751136 | -2.201003 | 386221 | 205846 | SO862058 | Yes |
GL5 1RG | 51.751195 | -2.203248 | 386066 | 205853 | SO860058 | Yes |
GL5 1RH | 51.751111 | -2.202693 | 386104 | 205844 | SO861058 | Yes |
GL5 1RJ | 51.751979 | -2.199843 | 386301 | 205940 | SO863059 | Yes |
GL5 1RL | 51.750972 | -2.201741 | 386170 | 205828 | SO861058 | Yes |
GL5 1RS | 51.751149 | -2.203407 | 386055 | 205848 | SO860058 | Yes |
GL5 1RX | 51.751626 | -2.203221 | 386068 | 205901 | SO860059 | Yes |