This page provides postcode data for the E00113553 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00113553 contains approximately 150 households with a population of about 402 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GL2 4GR | 51.82821 | -2.293271 | 379886 | 214440 | SO798144 | Yes |
GL2 4GT | 51.827551 | -2.294398 | 379808 | 214367 | SO798143 | Yes |
GL2 4LD | 51.827822 | -2.293965 | 379838 | 214397 | SO798143 | Yes |
GL2 4XZ | 51.826102 | -2.29156 | 380003 | 214205 | SO800142 | Yes |
GL2 6LD | 51.827786 | -2.293965 | 379838 | 214393 | SO798143 | No |
GL2 6XZ | 51.826084 | -2.291559 | 380003 | 214203 | SO800142 | No |