This page provides postcode data for the E00112663 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00112663 contains approximately 116 households with a population of about 232 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GL51 3NJ | 51.88971 | -2.107929 | 392669 | 221245 | SO926212 | Yes |
GL51 3PB | 51.889482 | -2.111968 | 392391 | 221220 | SO923212 | Yes |
GL51 3PD | 51.890067 | -2.110342 | 392503 | 221285 | SO925212 | Yes |
GL51 5NJ | 51.88971 | -2.107929 | 392669 | 221245 | SO926212 | No |
GL51 5PB | 51.889518 | -2.11191 | 392395 | 221224 | SO923212 | No |
GL51 5PD | 51.890067 | -2.110342 | 392503 | 221285 | SO925212 | No |
GL51 6ER | 51.890311 | -2.109645 | 392551 | 221312 | SO925213 | Yes |
GL51 6ET | 51.890893 | -2.112247 | 392372 | 221377 | SO923213 | Yes |
GL51 6EX | 51.8902 | -2.113292 | 392300 | 221300 | SO922213 | No |
GL51 6HH | 51.890204 | -2.108933 | 392600 | 221300 | SO925213 | No |