This page provides postcode data for the E00110611 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00110611 contains approximately 90 households with a population of about 184 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
IG10 2BQ | 51.65375 | 0.088734 | 544590 | 197061 | TQ445970 | Yes |
IG10 2BX | 51.653628 | 0.086459 | 544433 | 197043 | TQ444970 | Yes |
IG10 2BY | 51.654463 | 0.086555 | 544437 | 197136 | TQ444971 | Yes |
IG10 2DG | 51.651564 | 0.087752 | 544529 | 196816 | TQ445968 | Yes |
IG10 2DW | 51.653276 | 0.08452 | 544300 | 197000 | TQ442970 | No |
IG10 2JA | 51.652633 | 0.084751 | 544318 | 196929 | TQ443969 | Yes |