This page provides postcode data for the E00108120 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00108120 contains approximately 110 households with a population of about 266 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SS15 5BB | 51.572133 | 0.447799 | 569730 | 188757 | TQ697887 | Yes |
SS15 5BD | 51.572472 | 0.446633 | 569648 | 188792 | TQ696887 | Yes |
SS15 5BG | 51.572912 | 0.447076 | 569677 | 188842 | TQ696888 | Yes |
SS15 5BL | 51.57291 | 0.447638 | 569716 | 188843 | TQ697888 | Yes |
SS15 5BN | 51.572004 | 0.448787 | 569799 | 188745 | TQ697887 | Yes |
SS15 5BQ | 51.573384 | 0.446437 | 569631 | 188893 | TQ696888 | Yes |
SS15 5JJ | 51.5726 | 0.445644 | 569579 | 188804 | TQ695888 | Yes |