This page provides postcode data for the E00107821 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00107821 contains approximately 157 households with a population of about 379 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
TN22 5EL | 50.961444 | 0.097674 | 547409 | 120097 | TQ474200 | Yes |
TN22 5EN | 50.962745 | 0.097861 | 547418 | 120242 | TQ474202 | Yes |
TN22 5ET | 50.960227 | 0.098034 | 547438 | 119962 | TQ474199 | Yes |
TN22 5SH | 50.960697 | 0.098182 | 547447 | 120015 | TQ474200 | Yes |
TN22 5YA | 50.962879 | 0.099592 | 547539 | 120260 | TQ475202 | No |
TN22 5YB | 50.96287 | 0.099592 | 547539 | 120259 | TQ475202 | Yes |
TN22 5YD | 50.96338 | 0.100711 | 547616 | 120318 | TQ476203 | Yes |