This page provides postcode data for the E00104913 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00104913 contains approximately 134 households with a population of about 289 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DH9 6HL | 54.866484 | -1.692689 | 419822 | 552455 | NZ198524 | Yes |
DH9 6HN | 54.86654 | -1.689822 | 420006 | 552462 | NZ200524 | Yes |
DH9 6HP | 54.866208 | -1.693533 | 419768 | 552424 | NZ197524 | Yes |
DH9 6QE | 54.866882 | -1.689913 | 420000 | 552500 | NZ199525 | No |
DH9 6TE | 54.867373 | -1.692433 | 419838 | 552554 | NZ198525 | Yes |
DH9 6TF | 54.866906 | -1.692374 | 419842 | 552502 | NZ198525 | Yes |