This page provides postcode data for the E00100069 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00100069 contains approximately 121 households with a population of about 247 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
S45 9LS | 53.167058 | -1.410049 | 439537 | 363489 | SK395634 | Yes |
S45 9LT | 53.167752 | -1.410339 | 439517 | 363566 | SK395635 | Yes |
S45 9LU | 53.167043 | -1.408808 | 439620 | 363488 | SK396634 | Yes |
S45 9LX | 53.169421 | -1.406008 | 439805 | 363754 | SK398637 | Yes |
S45 9LY | 53.168423 | -1.407891 | 439680 | 363642 | SK396636 | Yes |
S45 9LZ | 53.169324 | -1.404889 | 439880 | 363744 | SK398637 | Yes |
S45 9NA | 53.169518 | -1.404198 | 439926 | 363766 | SK399637 | Yes |
S45 9NZ | 53.167933 | -1.407227 | 439725 | 363588 | SK397635 | Yes |
S45 9UX | 53.168792 | -1.407976 | 439674 | 363683 | SK396636 | Yes |