This page provides postcode data for the E00096820 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00096820 contains approximately 117 households with a population of about 210 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LA14 4LS | 54.140177 | -3.216138 | 320648 | 472277 | SD206722 | Yes |
LA14 4LT | 54.139596 | -3.216687 | 320611 | 472213 | SD206722 | Yes |
LA14 4LZ | 54.139235 | -3.215911 | 320661 | 472172 | SD206721 | Yes |
LA14 4NA | 54.139362 | -3.21766 | 320547 | 472188 | SD205721 | Yes |
LA14 4NL | 54.137931 | -3.215123 | 320710 | 472026 | SD207720 | Yes |
LA14 4NW | 54.138205 | -3.214748 | 320735 | 472056 | SD207720 | Yes |