This page provides postcode data for the E00093779 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00093779 contains approximately 131 households with a population of about 323 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK9 2AZ | 53.329829 | -2.222304 | 385292 | 381458 | SJ852814 | Yes |
SK9 2BA | 53.328888 | -2.219926 | 385450 | 381353 | SJ854813 | Yes |
SK9 2BB | 53.33004 | -2.219692 | 385466 | 381481 | SJ854814 | Yes |
SK9 2DH | 53.329163 | -2.222405 | 385285 | 381384 | SJ852813 | Yes |
SK9 2EA | 53.330082 | -2.216314 | 385691 | 381485 | SJ856814 | Yes |
SK9 2LD | 53.330215 | -2.217681 | 385600 | 381500 | SJ855815 | No |
SK9 2ND | 53.33022 | -2.214678 | 385800 | 381500 | SJ857814 | No |
SK9 2RL | 53.330605 | -2.215401 | 385752 | 381543 | SJ857815 | Yes |
SK9 2RW | 53.330825 | -2.217443 | 385616 | 381568 | SJ856815 | Yes |
SK9 2SL | 53.330449 | -2.222202 | 385299 | 381527 | SJ852815 | Yes |