This page provides postcode data for the E00092846 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00092846 contains approximately 133 households with a population of about 347 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CW12 1XQ | 53.161275 | -2.188408 | 387500 | 362700 | SJ874626 | No |
CW12 3DA | 53.15896 | -2.191792 | 387273 | 362443 | SJ872624 | Yes |
CW12 3DS | 53.160169 | -2.194041 | 387123 | 362578 | SJ871625 | Yes |
CW12 3TL | 53.159446 | -2.190972 | 387328 | 362497 | SJ873624 | Yes |
CW12 3TN | 53.159129 | -2.19278 | 387207 | 362462 | SJ872624 | Yes |
CW12 3TP | 53.161224 | -2.191861 | 387269 | 362695 | SJ872626 | Yes |
CW12 3TW | 53.160076 | -2.19072 | 387345 | 362567 | SJ873625 | Yes |