This page provides postcode data for the E00090777 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00090777 contains approximately 151 households with a population of about 314 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CB1 3AS | 52.198213 | 0.146743 | 546816 | 257725 | TL468577 | Yes |
CB1 3AW | 52.198569 | 0.145487 | 546729 | 257762 | TL467577 | Yes |
CB1 3BN | 52.198274 | 0.14638 | 546791 | 257731 | TL467577 | Yes |
CB1 3BQ | 52.197804 | 0.145011 | 546699 | 257676 | TL466576 | Yes |
CB1 3XG | 52.198891 | 0.146541 | 546800 | 257800 | TL467577 | No |
CB1 3XH | 52.198891 | 0.146541 | 546800 | 257800 | TL467577 | No |
CB1 3XL | 52.198891 | 0.146541 | 546800 | 257800 | TL467577 | No |