This page provides postcode data for the E00087163 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00087163 contains approximately 155 households with a population of about 330 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO19 2BA | 50.905717 | -1.359957 | 445100 | 112000 | SU451119 | No |
SO19 2QB | 50.907703 | -1.359731 | 445114 | 112221 | SU451122 | Yes |
SO19 2QF | 50.906405 | -1.35927 | 445148 | 112077 | SU451120 | Yes |
SO19 2QG | 50.905364 | -1.361161 | 445016 | 111960 | SU450119 | Yes |
SO19 8PH | 50.9052 | -1.359244 | 445151 | 111943 | SU451119 | Yes |
SO19 8PJ | 50.904341 | -1.358312 | 445217 | 111848 | SU452118 | Yes |
SO19 8PL | 50.903833 | -1.357395 | 445282 | 111792 | SU452117 | Yes |
SO19 8PT | 50.907051 | -1.358844 | 445177 | 112149 | SU451121 | Yes |
SO19 8TR | 50.904581 | -1.361073 | 445023 | 111873 | SU450118 | Yes |
SO19 8WF | 50.904572 | -1.361011 | 445027 | 111872 | SU450118 | No |
SO19 8WZ | 50.904572 | -1.361011 | 445027 | 111872 | SU450118 | No |
SO2 7PU | 50.904572 | -1.361011 | 445027 | 111872 | SU450118 | No |
SO2 7QB | 50.907596 | -1.359761 | 445112 | 112209 | SU451122 | No |
SO2 7QF | 50.90645 | -1.359151 | 445156 | 112082 | SU451120 | No |
SO2 7QG | 50.905472 | -1.361084 | 445021 | 111972 | SU450119 | No |
SO2 8PH | 50.905657 | -1.358877 | 445176 | 111994 | SU451119 | No |
SO2 8PJ | 50.904341 | -1.358312 | 445217 | 111848 | SU452118 | No |
SO2 8PL | 50.903312 | -1.357445 | 445279 | 111734 | SU452117 | No |
SO9 4UR | 50.905717 | -1.359957 | 445100 | 112000 | SU451119 | No |