This page provides postcode data for the E00086901 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00086901 contains approximately 106 households with a population of about 220 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO18 4QH | 50.924558 | -1.361904 | 444945 | 114094 | SU449140 | Yes |
SO18 4QJ | 50.92344 | -1.361365 | 444984 | 113970 | SU449139 | Yes |
SO18 4SU | 50.924324 | -1.363402 | 444840 | 114067 | SU448140 | Yes |
SO18 4SW | 50.924364 | -1.362505 | 444903 | 114072 | SU449140 | Yes |
SO18 4SX | 50.923787 | -1.362214 | 444924 | 114008 | SU449140 | Yes |
SO2 4QH | 50.924558 | -1.361904 | 444945 | 114094 | SU449140 | No |
SO2 4QJ | 50.92344 | -1.361365 | 444984 | 113970 | SU449139 | No |
SO2 4QN | 50.923709 | -1.361134 | 445000 | 114000 | SU449140 | No |
SO2 4SU | 50.924324 | -1.363402 | 444840 | 114067 | SU448140 | No |
SO2 4SW | 50.924364 | -1.362505 | 444903 | 114072 | SU449140 | No |
SO2 4SX | 50.923787 | -1.362214 | 444924 | 114008 | SU449140 | No |