This page provides postcode data for the E00086858 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00086858 contains approximately 111 households with a population of about 223 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 5BL | 50.914993 | -1.419362 | 440915 | 112997 | SU409129 | No |
SO1 5BN | 50.914996 | -1.418039 | 441008 | 112998 | SU410129 | No |
SO1 5DU | 50.9162 | -1.419802 | 440883 | 113131 | SU408131 | No |
SO15 5BL | 50.914993 | -1.419291 | 440920 | 112997 | SU409129 | Yes |
SO15 5BN | 50.914995 | -1.417939 | 441015 | 112998 | SU410129 | Yes |
SO15 5DU | 50.916237 | -1.419807 | 440883 | 113135 | SU408131 | Yes |