This page provides postcode data for the E00086483 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00086483 contains approximately 103 households with a population of about 233 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PO5 1NH | 50.788094 | -1.080019 | 464946 | 99128 | SZ649991 | Yes |
PO5 1NJ | 50.788207 | -1.079548 | 464979 | 99141 | SZ649991 | Yes |
PO5 1NL | 50.787863 | -1.080392 | 464920 | 99102 | SZ649991 | Yes |
PO5 2RY | 50.787206 | -1.080391 | 464921 | 99029 | SZ649990 | No |
PO5 2SF | 50.787335 | -1.080743 | 464896 | 99043 | SZ648990 | Yes |
PO5 2ST | 50.787362 | -1.080813 | 464891 | 99046 | SZ648990 | No |