This page provides postcode data for the E00083433 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00083433 contains approximately 143 households with a population of about 366 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SL6 6BP | 51.524745 | -0.735046 | 487854 | 181406 | SU878814 | Yes |
SL6 6BX | 51.524634 | -0.736404 | 487760 | 181392 | SU877813 | Yes |
SL6 6DE | 51.522914 | -0.735327 | 487838 | 181202 | SU878812 | Yes |
SL6 6DH | 51.52397 | -0.737359 | 487695 | 181317 | SU876813 | Yes |
SL6 6DL | 51.523214 | -0.737351 | 487697 | 181233 | SU876812 | Yes |
SL6 6DQ | 51.523877 | -0.736795 | 487734 | 181307 | SU877813 | Yes |
SL6 6NB | 51.5247 | -0.735825 | 487800 | 181400 | SU878814 | No |