This page provides postcode data for the E00081613 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00081613 contains approximately 130 households with a population of about 354 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
ME2 4LZ | 51.40843 | 0.501325 | 574061 | 170680 | TQ740706 | Yes |
ME2 4RL | 51.406388 | 0.49966 | 573953 | 170449 | TQ739704 | Yes |
ME2 4RN | 51.407734 | 0.499389 | 573929 | 170598 | TQ739705 | Yes |
ME2 4RQ | 51.408119 | 0.500718 | 574020 | 170644 | TQ740706 | Yes |
ME2 4RR | 51.407374 | 0.498952 | 573900 | 170557 | TQ739705 | Yes |
ME2 4RS | 51.407124 | 0.500132 | 573983 | 170532 | TQ739705 | Yes |
ME2 4RT | 51.408177 | 0.499715 | 573950 | 170648 | TQ739706 | Yes |
ME2 4WT | 51.408475 | 0.498393 | 573857 | 170678 | TQ738706 | Yes |