This page provides postcode data for the E00081162 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00081162 contains approximately 146 households with a population of about 316 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
ME5 8SF | 51.335224 | 0.550862 | 577789 | 162659 | TQ777626 | Yes |
ME5 8SQ | 51.336051 | 0.551697 | 577844 | 162753 | TQ778627 | Yes |
ME5 8SZ | 51.335348 | 0.551759 | 577851 | 162675 | TQ778626 | Yes |
ME5 8UN | 51.335836 | 0.550824 | 577784 | 162727 | TQ777627 | Yes |
ME5 8XH | 51.33541 | 0.548919 | 577653 | 162675 | TQ776626 | Yes |
ME5 8YA | 51.334814 | 0.549446 | 577692 | 162610 | TQ776626 | Yes |