This page provides postcode data for the E00078708 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00078708 contains approximately 121 households with a population of about 247 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SN5 5GB | 51.568247 | -1.840655 | 411141 | 185498 | SU111854 | Yes |
SN5 5PY | 51.567847 | -1.837295 | 411374 | 185454 | SU113854 | Yes |
SN5 5RL | 51.566312 | -1.839436 | 411226 | 185283 | SU112852 | Yes |
SN5 5XE | 51.568531 | -1.838014 | 411324 | 185530 | SU113855 | Yes |
SN5 5YA | 51.566374 | -1.838714 | 411276 | 185290 | SU112852 | Yes |
SN5 9GB | 51.568256 | -1.840655 | 411141 | 185499 | SU111854 | No |
SN5 9PY | 51.567946 | -1.837829 | 411337 | 185465 | SU113854 | No |
SN5 9RL | 51.566312 | -1.839436 | 411226 | 185283 | SU112852 | No |
SN5 9XE | 51.56854 | -1.838014 | 411324 | 185531 | SU113855 | No |
SN5 9XJ | 51.568172 | -1.838362 | 411300 | 185490 | SU112854 | No |
SN5 9XN | 51.568172 | -1.838362 | 411300 | 185490 | SU112854 | No |
SN5 9XQ | 51.568172 | -1.838362 | 411300 | 185490 | SU112854 | No |
SN5 9XS | 51.568172 | -1.838362 | 411300 | 185490 | SU112854 | No |
SN5 9XX | 51.568172 | -1.838362 | 411300 | 185490 | SU112854 | No |
SN5 9YA | 51.566374 | -1.838714 | 411276 | 185290 | SU112852 | No |