This page provides postcode data for the E00076956 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00076956 contains approximately 115 households with a population of about 288 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
TQ3 1LP | 50.447291 | -3.566136 | 288900 | 62000 | SX888619 | No |
TQ3 1PT | 50.447259 | -3.569867 | 288635 | 62002 | SX886620 | Yes |
TQ3 1PU | 50.447639 | -3.569682 | 288649 | 62044 | SX886620 | Yes |
TQ3 1PZ | 50.446605 | -3.571634 | 288508 | 61932 | SX885619 | Yes |
TQ3 1QJ | 50.447292 | -3.568741 | 288715 | 62004 | SX887620 | Yes |
TQ3 1RD | 50.448019 | -3.570202 | 288613 | 62087 | SX886620 | Yes |