This page provides postcode data for the E00075695 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00075695 contains approximately 111 households with a population of about 296 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
BS12 6ES | 51.531288 | -2.557594 | 361418 | 181523 | ST614815 | No |
BS12 6ET | 51.531055 | -2.557346 | 361435 | 181497 | ST614814 | No |
BS12 6EU | 51.530613 | -2.555654 | 361552 | 181447 | ST615814 | No |
BS12 6EX | 51.530294 | -2.556573 | 361488 | 181412 | ST614814 | No |
BS34 6ES | 51.531296 | -2.557596 | 361418 | 181524 | ST614815 | Yes |
BS34 6ET | 51.531037 | -2.557317 | 361437 | 181495 | ST614814 | Yes |
BS34 6EU | 51.530578 | -2.555596 | 361556 | 181443 | ST615814 | Yes |
BS34 6EX | 51.530303 | -2.556573 | 361488 | 181413 | ST614814 | Yes |