This page provides postcode data for the E00072340 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00072340 contains approximately 137 households with a population of about 286 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
ST1 2JL | 53.03261 | -2.167924 | 388836 | 348383 | SJ888483 | Yes |
ST1 2LP | 53.032466 | -2.16764 | 388855 | 348367 | SJ888483 | No |
ST1 2LR | 53.032782 | -2.167313 | 388877 | 348402 | SJ888484 | Yes |
ST1 2LS | 53.032953 | -2.167105 | 388891 | 348421 | SJ888484 | Yes |
ST1 2LT | 53.033709 | -2.166123 | 388957 | 348505 | SJ889485 | Yes |
ST1 2LX | 53.034069 | -2.166155 | 388955 | 348545 | SJ889485 | Yes |
ST1 2NQ | 53.033081 | -2.165674 | 388987 | 348435 | SJ889484 | Yes |