This page provides postcode data for the E00064604 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00064604 contains approximately 168 households with a population of about 210 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
HU9 2AE | 53.749951 | -0.309682 | 511559 | 429501 | TA115295 | Yes |
HU9 2AG | 53.749338 | -0.30979 | 511553 | 429433 | TA115294 | Yes |
HU9 2AX | 53.749082 | -0.310741 | 511491 | 429403 | TA114294 | Yes |
HU9 2AY | 53.750984 | -0.311756 | 511419 | 429613 | TA114296 | Yes |
HU9 2BA | 53.7513 | -0.311198 | 511455 | 429649 | TA114296 | Yes |
HU9 2DR | 53.750581 | -0.309922 | 511541 | 429571 | TA115295 | Yes |