This page provides postcode data for the E00061182 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00061182 contains approximately 141 households with a population of about 298 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
TS10 4JT | 54.603417 | -1.067196 | 460356 | 523538 | NZ603235 | Yes |
TS10 4JU | 54.60314 | -1.06858 | 460267 | 523506 | NZ602235 | Yes |
TS10 4JY | 54.602347 | -1.067097 | 460364 | 523419 | NZ603234 | Yes |
TS10 4LX | 54.601718 | -1.068334 | 460285 | 523348 | NZ602233 | Yes |
TS10 4LY | 54.601006 | -1.06688 | 460380 | 523270 | NZ603232 | Yes |
TS10 4LZ | 54.600684 | -1.068203 | 460295 | 523233 | NZ602232 | Yes |