This page provides postcode data for the E00058792 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00058792 contains approximately 126 households with a population of about 324 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS14 6QB | 53.818654 | -1.469294 | 435037 | 435950 | SE350359 | Yes |
LS14 6QD | 53.81889 | -1.469914 | 434996 | 435976 | SE349359 | Yes |
LS14 6RH | 53.819272 | -1.464851 | 435329 | 436021 | SE353360 | Yes |
LS14 6RJ | 53.819685 | -1.465169 | 435308 | 436067 | SE353360 | Yes |
LS14 6RP | 53.817693 | -1.467484 | 435157 | 435844 | SE351358 | Yes |
LS14 6RR | 53.817815 | -1.468697 | 435077 | 435857 | SE350358 | Yes |
LS14 6RW | 53.818283 | -1.464788 | 435334 | 435911 | SE353359 | Yes |