This page provides postcode data for the E00057932 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00057932 contains approximately 147 households with a population of about 305 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS10 3SB | 53.749015 | -1.548586 | 429866 | 428166 | SE298281 | Yes |
LS10 3SD | 53.748883 | -1.551636 | 429665 | 428150 | SE296281 | Yes |
LS10 3SG | 53.749575 | -1.549445 | 429809 | 428228 | SE298282 | Yes |
LS10 3SJ | 53.749796 | -1.548259 | 429887 | 428253 | SE298282 | Yes |
LS10 3SL | 53.750188 | -1.547527 | 429935 | 428297 | SE299282 | Yes |
LS10 3SQ | 53.74923 | -1.550737 | 429724 | 428189 | SE297281 | Yes |
LS10 3TR | 53.74943 | -1.546656 | 429993 | 428213 | SE299282 | Yes |
LS10 4LZ | 53.748329 | -1.552733 | 429593 | 428088 | SE295280 | Yes |