This page provides postcode data for the E00057916 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00057916 contains approximately 128 households with a population of about 277 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS10 4BD | 53.745904 | -1.54583 | 430050 | 427821 | SE300278 | Yes |
LS10 4BE | 53.746103 | -1.546297 | 430019 | 427843 | SE300278 | Yes |
LS10 4BJ | 53.744813 | -1.545083 | 430100 | 427700 | SE301276 | No |
LS10 4BU | 53.745399 | -1.543257 | 430220 | 427766 | SE302277 | No |
LS10 4BX | 53.745712 | -1.545073 | 430100 | 427800 | SE301278 | No |
LS10 4BY | 53.745706 | -1.543557 | 430200 | 427800 | SE302277 | No |
LS10 4BZ | 53.745547 | -1.544211 | 430157 | 427782 | SE301277 | No |
LS10 4DL | 53.74524 | -1.543744 | 430188 | 427748 | SE301277 | Yes |
LS10 4DP | 53.744835 | -1.54384 | 430182 | 427703 | SE301277 | Yes |
LS10 4UD | 53.745134 | -1.544246 | 430155 | 427736 | SE301277 | Yes |
LS10 4UG | 53.744895 | -1.545188 | 430093 | 427709 | SE300277 | Yes |