This page provides postcode data for the E00057806 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00057806 contains approximately 205 households with a population of about 426 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS10 3HX | 53.761792 | -1.522025 | 431608 | 429599 | SE316295 | Yes |
LS10 4RN | 53.760901 | -1.519578 | 431770 | 429501 | SE317295 | Yes |
LS10 4RP | 53.762205 | -1.519745 | 431758 | 429646 | SE317296 | Yes |
LS10 4RR | 53.761967 | -1.51864 | 431831 | 429620 | SE318296 | Yes |
LS10 4RW | 53.761458 | -1.519344 | 431785 | 429563 | SE317295 | Yes |
LS10 4UP | 53.760219 | -1.519646 | 431766 | 429425 | SE317294 | Yes |
LS10 4UR | 53.760925 | -1.518789 | 431822 | 429504 | SE318295 | Yes |